It is customary to spray insecticide in vegetable atleast one week before marketing them by the growers.It may be harmless but most of the growers spray insecticide immediately before marketing them so that vegetable remain fresh for longer time. Most of the consumers do not know this fact. Clearly it is harmfull. But to get rid from this poisionous effect of vegetable what should we do. For this purpose we can detoxify or clean the insecticide from vegetable by adding some sodi-bicarbonate or soda simply. In 3 liters of water in a pot add one table spoonfull of sodi-bicarb and mixed it well and then place the vegetable to be consumed and well mixed and wait for five minutes. Now wash the vegetable in water and then it is ready for cooking. Sodibi-carb can detoxify the insecticide and also it can clean well. It is non toxic when comsumed in smmall amount.
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